Computer Networks (ETF RIO RM 4865)

General information

Module title

Computer Networks

Module code





Computing and Informatics





Module type












Module goal - Knowledge and skill to be achieved by students

  Students will acquire basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of administration and work with computer networks. <br>
Also, students will get theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of distributed systems as well as protocols for their inter connections. <br>


  1.Distributed systems basic concepts: <br>
Basic terms <br>
Decentralized and heterogeneous distributed systems <br>
ISO/OSI Internet solution standardization <br>
2.Standards <br>
Basic layers and ISO OSI standards organization <br>
3.TCP/IP environment and protocols <br>
4.Basic services for networks operation <br>
Inter process communication <br>
Middleware <br>
Remote procedure call <br>
Java RMI <br>
Inter process communication in Unix <br>
5.Distributed operating systems services <br>
Distributed operating systems <br>
Resource usage <br>
Distributed transactions <br>
Replications <br>
Distributed multimedia systems <br>
Security <br>
File and name systems <br>


Recommended1. Notes and slides from lectures (See Faculty WEB Site) <br>
2. Tanenbaum, A., “Computer Networks”, Prentice-Hall, 1988. <br>
3. G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, T. Kindberg: "Distributed Systems: concepts and Design", Addison-Wesley, 2000. <br>
4. Comer, D.V., “Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Prentice-Hall, 1991. <br>
5. L.L. Peterson and B.S. Davie, “Computer Networks”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003. <br>
6. Bacon, J. “Concurrent system”, Addison-Wesley, 1993. <br>
Additional1. Turčinhodžić, F., Lokalne računarske mreže, Univerzitetsko izdanje, Sarajevo, 2004. <br>
2. Turčinhodžić, F., Računarske mreže, Sarajevo, 2004. <br>

Didactic methods

  Students will learn about the theory, problems and applicative examples within thematic units, through lectures. Lectures consist of theoretical part, presentational descriptive examples, genesis and resolution of specific tasks. In this way, students will have basis for application of studied material in engineering applications. Additional examples and exam tasks are discussed and solved during the laboratory exercises. Laboratory practice and home assignments will enable students continuous work and knowledge verification.


  During the course students will earn points according to the following system: <br>
- Attending lectures, exercises and tutorial classes: 10 points, student with more than three absences from lectures, exercises and/or tutorials cannot earn these points; <br>
- Home assignments: maximum of 10 points, assuming solving 5 to 10 assignments evenly distributed throughout the semester; <br>
- Partial exams: two written partial exams, maximum of 20 points for each positively evaluated partial exam; <br>
Student who during the semester earned less than 20 points must retake this course. <br>
Student who during the semester earned 40 or more points will take a final oral exam; the exam consists of discussion of the problems from partial exams, home assignments and answers to simple questions related to course topics. <br>
Final oral exam provides maximum of 40 points. To get a positive final grade, students must earn a minimum of 20 points at this exam. Students who do not earn this minimum will take a makeup oral exam. <br>
Student who during the semester earned 20 or more points and less than 40 points takes a makeup exam. The makeup exam is structured as follows: <br>
- Written part structured in the same way as a partial written exam, during which students solve problems in topics they failed on partial exams (achieved less than 10 points), <br>
- Oral part structured in the same way as a final oral exam. <br>
Only students who, after passing the written part of the makeup exam managed to earn a total score of 40 or more points, can take an oral makeup exam, where the score consists of points earned through attending classes, home assignments, passing partial exams and passing the written part of makeup exam. <br>
Oral makeup exam provides maximum of 40 points. To get a positive final grade, students in this exam must earn a minimum of 20 points. Students who do not earn this minimum must retake this course. <br>

Aditional notes