Principles of Systems Engineering (ETF AEO PSI 51062)

General information

Module title

Principles of Systems Engineering

Module code





Control and Electronics





Module type












Module goal - Knowledge and skill to be achieved by students

  Courses that student takes during his/her studies are basic constructive elements of his/her knowledge for future professional actions (like bricks in constructing a building). However, something to bond it all together is also necessary; otherwise it would not be possible to create a compact and functional unit (like a grouth in building construction). The objective of this course is to create systematic knowledge necessary for professionalism in complex systems construction.
Course starts with a review of knowledge necessary for a system engineer to have so as to be able to realise two completely different projects, and continues with identification of knowledge necessary for both types of projects. Student is introduced to procedures and activities of tender, evaluation, negotiations, realisation and collection according to contract with emphasis on bank role in the process of complex object engineering. This is followed by defining a system, concepts of industrial system engineering, and by an example of a large system (electric power system) and system techniques needed for controlling such a system. In the course is shown planning of complex interdependent projects using PERT method, as well as elementary concepts on functioning of an enterprise as an environment where a system is being built and environment that purchases a system. In the course is given multicriterial basis for valuating a complex system. Methods for evaluation of concern's value, concurrency capability of a concern and determinants of concurrency capabilities are analysed. This is followed by explanations of concepts and definitions of investment as an inevitable category which places complex systems, investment project structure, criteria for investment justifiability evaluation, concepts and practices of cash flow investment actualisation. An emphasis is also made on use of mathematical methods of game theory in the decision-making process in uncertainty situations. Vision and strategy of the concern, as well as role of the investment and development in the concern are defined. During the exercises is presented a technological process of a thermal power plant, along with a description of elementary equipment and material structure, a set of energy conversions from chemical energy of the coal to electric energy transmitted to the consumers, and a description of energy transmitters. Technology description is used to define requests for economical managing of energy conversion, or in other words of energy transmitters. Based on these knowledge is defined the hierarchy of managing thermal power plant, as a complex object. It is only now that we can present imitational model of constructing an object, or in other words of a system for managing thermal power plant-a complex object. After exercises are over, students make a visit to the Dispatching Centre of EPBIH and to Thermal Power Plant Kakanj.


  1. Definitions of a system, a tender, negotiations, roles and exchanges of bank warranties, construction, collection and system collaudation.
2. System engineering process, system engineering concepts, concepts of change, approach to solving system problems, system decomposition.
3. Typical example of a large system, electric power system, sources, transmission and distribution of electric energy, expenses, incremental manufacturing cost, managing electric power system, dispatching.
4. Planning of complex interdependent projects using PERT method with examples.
5. Enterprise as an environment in which a system is built, sold and purchased. Legal status of an enterprise, ownership inside an enterprise, accounting of an enterprise, balance sheet and balance of success, managing an enterprise, enterprise as an object of selling and purchasing, balance analysis using comparison method, value of an enterprise, intellectual capital in an enterprise.
6. Concurrency capability of concerns and states, model for concurrency capability evaluation, determinants of a model.
7. Concepts and definitions of investments, investment process, investment program, criteria for evaluation of an investment program realisation justifiability (static and dynamic).
8. Decision-making process in an uncertainty situation shown on an example of evaluation of economical justifiability of investment programs, MinMax and MaxMax criterion, Hurwitz's criterion, Laplace's criterion, expected value criterion, Savage's criterion, Bernoulli's criterion.
9. Vision of an enterprise, fundamental ideology (system of values and main intention) of an enterprise, planned future (retentive aim description) with examples.
10. Research and development roles in an enterprise, strategy of an enterprise.
Auditory exercises
11. To be able to present all the activities of system engineering it is necessary to take into consideration a complex object, a technology project very complexed, as such it requires a complex managing system, which is a process of thermal power plant. Subsequently, material for exercises can be sectionalized into three segments:
- thermal power plant technological process, along with description of fundamental equipment and material structure;
- thermal power plant control system;
- control system engineering.
12. Hence first activity is necessary for studying system engineering, and it is not taught on other courses of Department for Automation and Control, it is necessary to pay attention to it. Only by doing so, one can get complete image of the object and control system, as well as construction engineering of the object.


Recommended1. Lecture notes and slides (will be available at the Web site)
2. Transkript rukopisa Principi sistemskog inženjeringa.
Additional1. Salih Sadovic, Analiza elektroenergetskih sistema, ETF Sarajevo, 2004.
2. Pavle Bogetic, Analiza Bilansa, Univerzitet u Podgorici, 1994.
3. P.Samuelson, W.Nordhaus, Ekonomija, Mate, Zagreb, 1992.
4. V.Veselica, Financijski sustav u ekonomiji, Inženjerski biro, Zagreb, 1995.

Didactic methods

  Theoretical knowledge, followed by examples from engineering practice, is presented in an auditory, with all mathematic calculus and drawing of diagrams and auxiliary sketches. Diagrams and pictures are presented by slides.
Auditory exercises of the course are specific, considering the aim of the course, which is to present construction engineering of an object, a control system. The specificity is twofold. All engineering activities can be defined and reviewed only on complicated and complex objects, considering that technology of these objects must be known. Such an object is a thermal power plant, where multistage process of energy conversions is taking place. In these conversions, from chemical energy of the fuel to the electric energy in electric power system, with inevitable losses, with every step of the conversion energy exchanges its material carrier. Between two extremes, energy is also appearing in the process as thermal energy, with flue gases and water (steam) as carriers, and as mechanical-kinetical, whose carriers are axle and rotating parts of a turbine and of a generator. To accomplish this multistage conversion and to make it economical, it is necessary to achieve certain material and energy flows. This is the exact prime task of automation control system. Next but not less important task is to realise safe proceeding of a process, for the protection of expensive technological equipment, protection of the people and their environment. Considering that thermal power plant is not studied in any other course of Department for Automation and Control, it is necessary during these exercises to introduce students to technology, fundamental equipment and material structure of thermal power plant. Presentation of the thermal power plant is made through slides, diagrams and calculation of mathematical relations on the blackboard, with verbal descriptions. At the same time, tasks of the particular segments of technology are defined. Based on this, the structure of control for these segments is determined. Unification of the tasks of each segment results in control system for thermal power plant.
Based on this knowledge, students accede to defining an imitational model of object construction, in other words control system construction. The language of a model is presented, as well as standards of conduct and elements of the model: operations, operational sets and decisions. All these elements are built in imitational model which is made of: market analysis; tender and negotiation; planning and conceptualisation; designing and engineering; production and acquisition of equipment; assembly on the object; examination and testing; testing drive and transfer; set of final operations.


  Through the course, student gains points according to following system.
Attendance to lectures, laboratories and tutorials: 10 points, student which misses lectures, laboratories and/or tutorials more than three times cannot get points for these activities.
Two project tasks (seminars) equally allocated through semester: maximum 50 points.
First seminar task: description of a segment of power plant technology and description of control system for that segment-25 points.
Student which in the end of the course has less than 20 points has to take the course again.
Student which in the end of the course has 40 or more points can take final exam; this exam is consisted of discussion on candidate's seminar tasks, or other student's seminar tasks, and answers to questions referring to seminar subjects.
Final verbal examination is worth maximum 40 points. To pass the course, on this examination student must have minimum 20 points. Student which has less than 20 points on final verbal examination takes verbal corrective examination.
Student which has gained more than 20 but less than 40 points during the course takes corrective exam. Corrective exam is structured in the following way:
- written examination, structured in the same way as seminar task; on this examination student solves tasks from subjects he/she did not pass in seminar task.
- verbal examination, structured in the same way as final verbal exam.
Student can take verbal corrective examination only if after passing written corrective examination has made total score of 40 or more points; this score is made of points gained through: attendance, seminar tasks and passing written corrective examination.
Verbal corrective examination is worth maximum 40 points. To pass the course, on this examination student must have minimum 20 points. Student which has less than 20 points on verbal corrective examination has to take the course again.

Aditional notes