Software design of protocols (ETF TKI SDP 5960)

General information

Module title

Software design of protocols

Module code










Module type












Module goal - Knowledge and skill to be achieved by students

  In this course we investigate the principles of protocol design, their pros and cons, as well as field of application. We also handle various techniques used in today’s communication protocols in order to achieve certain capabilities (i.e. scalability, reliability, robustness). Finally we also consider designing methods and tools. The focus is put on today’s Internet protocols, but other fields may be included if necessary.


  Principles of the protocol design, Scalability, reliability and robustness fo the system. Methods and tools for protocol design.



Didactic methods

  Lectures are performed by the lecturer using appropriate mathematical apparatus (modeling techniques). Lectures are followed with the presentation of practical problems of video and image compression (28 classes total) in a manner enabling students to master knowledge and skills which they should acquire during this course, and thus develop the ability to understand the position and role of the image compression, and video encoding procedures, depending of the communication environment. As part of the laboratory exercises students will be introduced with basic compression techniques for images and encoding techniques for video, and with correlating between the model performances and practical measuring results, which are performed during the laboratory exercises (25 classes). Tutorial (7 classes), during which students are followed and guided by tutor has a goal of enabling students to independently analyze, design and simulate modules, and procedures of compression, i.e. encoding, and will also include solving of representative examples. Typical exam problems will be included, so that even during the program it will be possible to test the level of student preparedness for the final exam.


  During the course students earn points according to the following system: <br>
- Attending classes, exercises and tutorials: 10 points, student with more then three absences from lectures and/or tutorials can not get these points. <br>
- Home assignments and laboratory exercises bring maximum of 10 points, assuming solving 5 to 10 assignments equally distributed throughout the semester. <br>
- Partial exams: two partial exams; each positively evaluated partial exam 20 points. Each partial exam lasts 90 minutes and it is structured as follows: <br>
- Answering to simple questions with goal of testing whether student has basic theoretical knowledge; students with correct answers to all such questions earn 5 points; <br>
- Solving an open answer problem, with correct answer bringing 10 points; <br>
- Solving problems with multiple answers offered, on of answers being the correct one; students with correct answers to all such questions earn 5 points; <br>
Students who earned less then 20 points during the semester must retake the course. Students who earned 40 or more points during the semester will take a final exam; This exam consists of discussion of problems from partial exams, home assignments and answers to simple questions related to course topics. <br>
Final oral exam provides maximum of 40 points. In order to get positive final grade, students must earn minimum of 20 points in this exam. Student failing to earn the minimum must take the makeup oral exam. Student who earned 20 or more, and less then 40 points during the semester, will have to take the makeup exam. <br>
The makeup exam is organized in the following manner: <br>
- Written part structured similarly to partial written exam, during which students solve problems in topics they failed on partial exams (less then 10 points); <br>
- Oral part structured the same as the oral part of the final exam. <br>
Only students who managed to earn total score of 40 or more points in written part of the makeup exam will be allowed to take the oral part of the makeup exam, where the mentioned score consists of points earned through attending lectures, solving home assignments, passing partial exams and passing the written part of makeup exam. Oral makeup exam provides maximum of 40 points. In order to achieve positive final grade students must earn minimum of 20 points in this exam. Student failing to earn the minimum will have to retake the course. Oral makeup exam gives maximum of 40 points. In order to achieve positive final grade students must achieve minimum of 20 points in this exam. Student failing to achieve the minimum will have to re-enroll for this course. <br>

Aditional notes

  During the written part of the exam students are allowed to use a list of formulas prepared by lecturers, which may be of use in solving problems. It is not allowed to use other notes, books, cell phones or other electronic devices. Problems, which students must solve during the exam, are of the same type solved during the lectures and tutorials.